Informacje o pherahquf0 |
Dołączył: |
22-08-2020 |
Ostatnia wizyta: |
(ukryte) |
Razem postów: |
0 (0 postów dziennie | 0 procent wszystkich postów) |
Razem wątków: |
0 (0 wątków dziennie | 0 procent wszystkich wątków) |
Spędzony czas online: |
(ukryte) |
Dodatkowe informacje o pherahquf0 |
Sex: |
Male |
Bio: |
There's nothing far better than team-mates slapping high-fives and shouting words of encouragement at each other. The point player should be the one that initiates this. While the various other 4 positions are mainly focused on putting the ball in the hoop, the point guard need to have a various, a lot more team concentrated attitude. They are needed to do many points in the video game of basketball that are extremely different to the various other 4 placements on the court. |