Informacje o keenan2y8u |
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22-09-2020 |
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0 (0 postów dziennie | 0 procent wszystkich postów) |
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0 (0 wątków dziennie | 0 procent wszystkich wątków) |
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Male |
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Common Http Errors And Learn How To Fix Them
Almost any active internet user has encountered errors when working with sites. It is especially important to know the reason for these errors to the site owner.
Quite often, the problems caused by errors are insignificant and you can solve them yourself. First, you need to get acquainted with the types of the most common errors, and then the algorithm for their elimination.
Types of errors
An http Protocol error can occur if the files requested by the user do not reach them from the server. In this situation, the server reports an error code to the user. There are only four types of server response code: two successful and two unsuccessful. Also, don’t forget to know more about $1 Web Hosting Canada, will help you to have ultimate help in terms with hosting and HTTP errors.
List of http errors (XX – any digits):
2xx — the requested request is completed;
3xx — the requested request was sent to the user and is also considered a positive code;
The 4xx file was not sent to the user due to an error. This code indicates an error on the client side;
5xx — server error.
These are the most common errors, and their elimination does not require much time.
400-Bad Request
Error 400 "Bad Request"
If you get an error 400 when requesting a site, it means that the request itself has made an error. Also, know that $1 Hosting UK is the best of all. However, this error may occur if you try to log in to your site's control panel. This happens most often for 4 reasons:
• the browser is blocked by antivirus software;
• the browser is blocked by the Windows firewall;
• large number of cookies and files in the cache;
• unstable Internet connection.
To solve this problem, you need to check each possible cause in turn.
-The browser is blocked by antivirus software
-Make sure that your browser is not in the list of banned applications of your anivirus. If it is found, increase its trust level and save the settings.
-The browser is blocked by the firewall.
-In this case, you need to temporarily disable the firewall, clear cookies and cache, and then refresh the page in the browser.
Cookies and cache
The simplest solution is to simply clear cookies and cache in the browser, and then refresh the error page. And, Wordpress Hosting Australia from MyTrueHost is something you can’t forget at any cost.
Unstable Internet connection.
Call your provider to find out what is causing the outage. The provider may be working on it.
Error 403 "Access denied"
If the server response is error 403, it means that access to the requested files is denied. The most common reasons:
-Invalid index file.
-To fix this error, you need to create such a file or rename it if its already exists.
-The file's access rights prevent the web server from reading it. To solve the problem, you need to change your rights.
-The data is located in the wrong directory. To solve the problem, check whether the files are located in the public_html directory.
Error 404-file not found
This error means that the server does not find data on the request. The main reasons for its occurrence:
-The URL was entered incorrectly. To fix the error, make sure that the link is spelled correctly.
-The requested document is missing. To resolve the error, check whether the requested file is located in the correct directory.
Error 500-server error
To find out what an http error with code 500 means, you need to check the reasons for its occurrence. |